We are definitely facing a time in the world today that is filled with uncertainty.
Uncertainty brings fear.
Fear causes Panic.
Panic cause bad choices.
What we all need to do now, is accept reality for what it is and learn from it.
I am not saying ignore what is going on, I want you to take care of yourself, be safe, stay healthy and take care of your loved ones and your community.
However, when you are in a state of panic and or in a state of fear, you lose sight of focus or better yet, you focus on the wrong things and you make wrong choices.
This is the time to Evaluate yourself, evaluate your environment and the people you hang out with.
This is the time to make a new and better plan.
Its time for new commitments.
Its time to remind yourself for all that there is to be grateful for.
Its time to control your mind, control your emotions and lead by example.
This will give you self awareness and that awareness will lead you to take better actions which of course will give you better results and get you through this tough times.
I go in detail about the above mentioned points in the video, watch it, learn from it, apply what you learn and please share this video with everyone you think will benefit from it.
All the best.
Chadi B.