5 Tips I wanted to share with you. I am not going to speak about anything I know nothing about, I never do, so no Virus tips. I am going to speak about business because I know a lot about business. Here are the tips. Nice and Simple Common Sense, just to show you how smart I really am. (LoL)

1. I would definitely call everyone in my database, dont let it be a business call, this is A how are you doing call, A can I help you with anything during this time kind of call, personal, not business.

2. FSBOS, well guess what, fsbos are freaking out now, they dont understand real estate and market conditions like you do, so now they need you more than ever. CALL THEM. and if things get back faster, they are going to remember that you were the one there for them during this time.

3. EXPIREDS, the ones that still need to sell, way less people are calling them, less competition.

4. STAY AWAY from the people who are treating what is going on like its the end of the world, dont let their fears become your fears.

5. Love one another and let your words of wisdom become their strength to think better, act better, feel better and become better so they too can get through this.

That is it, see how smart I am. As far as ME. I am avoiding all things that distract me. (way WAY less Social Media Browsing) (Way WAY more Marketing-Everyone is online) I continue to feed my mind positive things so I can best serve you and my family. Eating healthy like usual and keeping my immune system strong. And doubling down on my business. I only think about and do things that are within my control. Whatever I have no control over, I wont even let it enter my mind. Together we will get through this Together, the key word is Together – This is how I can think about me and you and this is how you ought to be thinking about you and them (them meaning- the people you love and care about, including the people in your database, Past Clients and COI and Your Community) If you need help with anything please feel free to reach out to me by replying back to this email.