Welcome to the top listing agent show … Today we are going to dive into our 3rd book review and this one is a special one.
The reason I say it is special is because I know the author, not everyday you get to read a book by someone that you actually know.
Now let me tell you, I have never met the author in person, however, we are connected on Facebook and we have had a few telephone conversations before he published his book.
His name is Chad Goldwasser, we have been connected on social media for years and what I love about this guy is that he is super transparent, he is not afraid to be himself on social media and that says a lot about someone, as most people do hide and only share the good and the beautiful online and hide the real life set backs and challenges, he shares it all.
The book title is ReStart …
7 Proven Keys to Unlock Your Potential.
The book is 167 pages of Pure Gold.
In 7 chapters he shares the 7 keys that anyone can use to unlock their potential.
This is a book that anyone can get great insights from, however, if you are a real estate agent, you are going to get so much out of it because Chad is a Top Producing Real Estate Agent who in 2007 was the #1 real estate agent in the world for Keller Williams.
Not the #1 in the agent in an office, or a city or a state or a country, he was #1 in the world.
I am stressing this out because I want you to pay attention, pay attention to anyone who is doing better than you and learn from them and when you get an opportunity to get real life and real business advice from #1 in the world, pay super attention.
And I have to tell you that just because you are #1 it don’t mean that everything and everyday is going to be roses and sunshine, to get to the top you will have endure bigger challenges that most people could not endure.
I loved his transparency in this book as he shares with us not only the beautiful moments in his life but also his darkest moments.
Chad lived it all, he went from being a bartender earning a few dollars an hour to #1 in the world and from being number one in the world to losing it all, and that is why he titled the book restart, you get it now, its now time to restart, time to get back to the top.
I got give him a lot of credit, when you read the book and you go through his story, you will realize that what he went through was not easy.
He was robbed by his controller, he lost 1/2 of the agents that were working for his brokerage, he went through a divorce, he turned to alcohol and substance abuse. Everything was hitting him all at once.
Last year I interviewed Chad on the top listing agent show, you can go back and either watch the video on my YouTube channel or listen to it on the podcast, he shared a lot with us but I got to tell you when I read the book, I was like damn this guy has been through so much I am not sure if he would ever get back his mojo and get back to the top.
But he did and I am so happy he wrote this book as you are going to learn how to avoid some potential pitfalls (you will learn from some of his mistakes) and you will learn how he restarted his way back to the top.
Lets dive into some goodies.
The goal for this review is 3 folds.
#1- To either endorse that you read the book or not.
#2- To extract inspiration and share with it you.
#3- To extract at least one exercise to share with you.
Lets go over objection one … Yes you should invest in this book. As a real estate agent, I want you to buy a copy today and read it asap, as we move into 2020 it will help you get a head start, a restart, you get it.
In Chapter One, Key One is Everything starts with energy, when I saw the title of this chapter, it immediately captured my attention, I am personally always looking for hack to raise my energy levels.
A key point Chad makes is he can teach you how to generate leads, scripts and dialogues, sales strategies, how to dress the part, how to talk, how to follow up but none of that really matters unless you get this and that everything he did to become #1 in the world started with energy.
He says that every top agent is good at the mechanics of real estate and the biggest separating factor is massive positive energy they possess and project onto everyone they get in contact with, it is your ability to infuse those around you with this massive positive energy, your clients, your team, your colleagues, your buyers and your sellers to get them to want to involved with you.
This year I have personally been doing a lot of training with my clients on how to become more likable, because the world we live in today is the world where the person who is more likable is the person who is getting the most amount of business.
Energy is something I reference over and over again, now, let me get you clear on what this means, I am not just speaking about physical energy, which is super important, I am speaking about the energy that you are radiating to the world and everyone who comes in contact with you.
I am confident that you know exactly what I mean, I am sure you have met someone before who was full of lie and full of energy and in a very quick moment you instantly felt a connection with that person, you know, the kind of connection that gives you the feeling of I like this person, I want to get their number, I want to hang out with them more often or the feeling of like whatever they are selling, I am buying.
This is an art that anyone can learn, energy does not visit you by default, energy is something that you create.
And Chad says that the best place to generate energy from is our Vision.
By the way a few weeks back I released a great training called 20/20 vision for 2020, where I share with you specifics on how to create a compelling vision for your life and business. Make sure you listen to it if you have not done so as of yet
Oh by the way what I forgot to mention is that one of the things I loved about this book is that at the end of each chapter you get like a checklist of what you should have gotten out of the chapter and what you need to work on.
Here is your first energy creation tool. It called Mirror Work.
I want every one of you to do this exercise because there is a dream inside of you, I know there is and we need to bring it out, we need to unleash it. We need to bring that dream out of you and transform it into a crystalized and clear vision that you can focus on and pursue.
Every single morning when you wake up, make time to stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eyes and really be with that powerful person looking back at you.
I know what you maybe thinking right now, but I am not powerful and I am going to say to you, stop it, stop being the enemy of the person inside of you who wants to live a better life. Just do what we are telling you to do, what if we are right and you are wrong.
That person looking back at you in the mirror is your inner self. The you who can make anything and everything happen and come to life. Speak that powerful You in the mirror and let them know that you know they are capable of doing and having anything their heart desires. Let them know that they are powerful and they are courageous.
Make sure you speak with conviction and say things as if you absolutely mean them with all your heart, the way you would if you were speaking to someone you truly believe in and love with all your heart.
This exercise completes objective three of the review and we are still in Chapter one.
Key #2 is all about how to keep the dream alive.
I think I like Chad so much because we both have so much in common when it comes to the things that we do each day to bring out the best in us.
I am a big fan of affirmations and so is he.
He says that an affirmation is anything you purposefully choose to say or think to yourself to positively impact your unconscious mind.
He even shares with you his daily affirmations as a bonus at the end of the book.
Just to get your mind spinning right now, I will share a few of mine right now.
I am a Money Magent.
I am the best father a child can ever have.
I am an excellent real estate coach who makes a difference everyday.
I am quick – Clever and Alert at all times.
I am a powerful and courageous leader.
I am happy, healthy and wealthy and of course I am SEXY.
Ok lets keep moving on, as I mentioned to you before here today and on a previous podcast episodes, your vision is everything and yet most people do not have one.
In this book Chad teaches you a method called creating my utopia tool to clarify and crystalize your vision.
He even gives you a specific 5 step morning ritual that will change your life. Part of that morning ritual is to brainwash your mind and cleanse it of any negativity so if you have a little bot of negativity in you, pick up the book and read it.
And now I have to share with you my one big aha lesson that I am going to incorporate in my morning routine but before I share it with you, let me say this to you, this is the second time I read this book and I missed this point in my first go round.
That point is to have a powerful wake up thought, I already have a wake up physical anchor that I do each morning but not a powerful wake up thought, what this means that we must program ourselves to wake up each morning and have the same exact powerful thought before we have any other thought to set up our day for power.
Mine is going to be the following … I feel good I feel fine, I feel this way all the time.
Ok I am gonna speed this up as I like to keep these reviews under 15 minutes.
Here is the the bottom line, everything you need to do to start a successful real estate business or restart your journey to become a successful real estate top producer is in this book.
He even shares with your business plan for 2019 that you can model for any future year, etc.
I think it would be an excellent idea to bring Chad back on the top listing agent show and interview him, I will reach out to him and set it up, so with that said, message me and let me know what questions you want me to ask him.
That completes this episode, I hope you got the value I intended to share with you and as always I am here to serve you and help you become a top listing agent so when you are ready, please go to go www.TlaStrategyCall.com and book a time to get on the phone with me so I can disect your business, identify what is not working, where you are stuck so I can get you unstuck and give you a mini plan of action to take your business to the next level.
All the best.