Leads – Leads – Leads!
This is the one thing all real estate agents are talking about right now.
And because of the current Virus situation, most agents have no clue how to save their current leads let alone get new ones.
This is why I invited Jim Remley to the top listing agent show because he is one of the most amazing high energy real estate coaches in the industry.
In this episode he not only shares with you what to do, he also walks you step by step how to do it.
Yes, we are facing times of uncertainty and his unique ways of prospecting will generate you leads no matter what market place you are in.
If you need leads and if you need a plan to make it through in this business now and Thrive later, you need to watch this video more than one time.
Make sure to also check out all his free training resources at www.ErealEstateCoach.com